Oh!.. Charbel Baini/ Marcelle Mansour

فنانة مهجرية فازت بجائزة شربل بعيني
Oh! ... Charbel Baini!
Is that a surprise?..
How wonderful to look back and to see ourselves..!!.
In fact it is the seeing of our deeds and achievements regardless of being big or small...
For giving awards or prizes actually brings the feelings of pleasure for the giver and the receiver...
Awards are existed to say thank you for what has been done that is a greatly appreciated!...
And in fact ...it puts more burden and responsibility on the receiver!!!....
Wow...17 years passed, and you still giving awards to many achievers!!!....
Mainly to recognize the people’s efforts and to lift up the community image....
It is a wonderful act... for it indeed makes the history since we are all mortal....
WE are all responsible to keep doing the good work and God bless.
Cultural Evening to Commemorate Second Annual of Boutros Indari

A splendid evening of rich literary reading and prize winning was celebrated  by the Australian Arabic Cultural Centre, Peter Indari Forum. The event marked the second annual anniversary to commemorate the late Boutros Indari on May 20, 2014 at Kafr Hilda Reception Centre, Lakemba.
The MC presenter was Mr Michael Risk, the pioneer in promoting trade and cultural links between Australia and Lebanon. Mr George Hasham was the speaker on the occasion of the commemoration of two years on the absence of the late Peter Indari who was renowned for his contribution to the Australian Arabic journalism, and to convey the message of the significance, and the purpose of the event. 
It was indeed a pleasant cultural evening where the three pioneer poets participated: Fouad Neman El-Khoury, George Mansour, and Charbel Baini.  
Both very popular poets George Mansour and Fouad Neeman El-Koury, took part in poetry reading in front of a large number of attendees. Each created and read a poem inspired by and in tribute to the 2nd anniversary of the late Boutros Indari where their verses came overflowing of powerful feelings. Charbel Baini, the poet and author of many books, read short pieces of his creative prose describing some of the funny situations derived from his past friendship with the late Peter Indari. His writings and readings are, I suppose,  autobiographical, funny, have a lot of sense of humour and are direct reports on experience. The reading described, are dense with the humours comments and entertainment words.
The portrait of the late Peter Indari (Abou Ziad), painted by the writer of these words, artist Marcelle Mansour, was displayed in the middle of the stage of the premises celebrating his life (1938-2012) and reminding the audience of his charismatic popular personality.
Various books for local Australian Arabic authors including poets, writers and novelists, were also on display which added more wealth of literary tradition to the event.
Dr Emil Chdiac introduced the young students from various high schools of Sydney and Melbourne who won the literary competition in both languages of Arabic and English. Prizes were bestowed upon six students, and certificate of achievements for four students, by Mr Joseph Rizk, the Managing Director and CEO of Arab Bank who in turn received a trophy as a token of appreciation by Dr Mustapha Alamedin on behalf of the committee members of Indari’s forum. Mr George Hasham also received an award for his long contribution n the field of teaching in Australia.
The event concluded with having light refreshments and networking, with all attendees enjoying the distinctive cultural atmosphere and expressing desire to regularly share this important annual occasion.
I congratulate you on receiving the award
 Dear Charbel Baini
With great pleasure I congratulate you on receiving the award of the Lebanese Community Council of NSW. The award brings honour not only to your good self, but to the entire Arabic speaking communities in Australia of which you are such a productive author in the field of literature including poetry. Your words have enriched our communities.Your hard work and perseverance has earned you the well deserved award. Feeling proud of you my dear friend and I hope many success stories to come! Heartiest congratulations and best wishes!
It was pleasure to attend “Charbel Baini’s Award” today at Alghorba Media Foundation where a number of creative achievers received it this afternoon. I was honoured to be asked to deliver the award to our renowned Australian Lebanese Poet Fouad Neeman Elkhoury.
I am humbly proud to mention that I received same award in 1997.
Congrats to Fouad and to all the recipients. And a warm thank you to Charbel who is still honoring the people who deserve it for so many years. God bless all.
In Facebook
Dear Charbel Baini
You called me the best by saying “You are the best Marcelle Mansour”. Thank you for the complement dear, Charbel, for you really are a genuine gentleman and one of the great leading poets. I believe there is nothing more valuable in life than integrity, and I humbly feel there is no better or best in friendship, for everyone is unique and works in his/her own way.  In fact, I feel that we all work together on the basis of humanistic friendship and love. I still recall the words of our decent friend the poet Fouad Neeman El-Khoury when he said briefly on receiving his Award: “Charbel Baini’s Award is hundred percent about “LOVE”, in Arabic “جائزة شربل مائة بالمائة محبة”. This actually implies all the rich words of passion, fondness, devotion, respecting the other, giving in joy and happiness without expectations of return.
I must refer here to the extent of the happiness that overwhelmed me when Fouad expressed his pleasure upon the receipt of the award, he said: "The award is enriched with another prize, because it was delivered to me by the poet and artist of light Marcelle Mansour." This is very sweet of Fouad indeed. I will not hide here the exchange of similar feeling I had when I immediately remembered his poetry entitled: "Nidre-Allhfeh" and I called him in my writing: "The pulse of one heart."
This is in fact an expression of our genuine faith in the importance of creativity that leads to the reinforcement of human relations, friendship and love. That is the reason – I believe –why Charbel Baini is still practising his loveable friendly appreciation by provide such a precious award to keep the well respected continuity among creative givers, and this actually confirms my real feeling when I received this award in1997.
Charbel Baini’s Award has been delivered since1992 on the basis of friendship and appreciation. It is all about cooperating together with selflessness. It is actually about faith in creativity, humanity, friendship and love. On this occasion I would like to congratulate all the Recipients and givers of Charbel Baini’s Award, for it is an acknowledgement for their fantastic achievements. And also to extend warn thanks to the person who is behind all the tireless work, Charbel Baini who has always been of support for all friends who made a great contributions to our Australian Arabic communities in all types of Arts, literature  and culture, heritage in the name of humanity, friendship and love for our home Australia. 
Thank you Charbel for the Memorable Award Ceremony Day.
Marcelle Mansour
إنسان الحياة

إلى شاعرالغربة اللامتناهية
ذي الحس المرهف والشفافية

شاعر القصائد العميقة الخلابة
شاعرالزجليات العذبة الجذابة

إلى شاعر الوطن والمهجر
متألقاً ... يتأرجح
بين قمة  الإبداع
ونبض الإشعاع

يا ناشر النور في  ظلمات  نفوس  البشر
يا ناثر بذور المحبة  في  قلوب  القدر
يا زارع  الألفة  والخير

مثل نضوج الثمر
 في نبات الشجر
أحلى من عبق الزهر
كغزير المطر 
وألوان السمر

يا ذا العطاء الثمين
لكنوز الفن والفكر المتين
في رحلة  مروج  البساتين

نقاء الروح
وشفاء الجروح

أهدي هذه الكلمات
في أروع المناسبات
في عيد ميلادك
إليك  ياصديقي العزيز شربل بعيني
مودتي و احترامي

عيد ميلاد سعيد ... 
وأجمل التهاني
يا إنسان الحياة

في 10 فبراير 2015 
انت الأفضل يا مارسيل
You are the best Marcelle”
عزيزي شربل بعيني،  
شكرا لك على المجاملة يا (شاعر الغربة) ... لأنك حقاً واحد من رجال النزاهه وكبار الشعراء.  أود أن أقولها بتواضع أنني غيورة على النهضة الثقافية والفنية على مدى الدهور، كوننا نبحر في نفس المركب، وأن كان كل واحد منا يعمل بطريقته الخاصة ، حسب القدرات المتوفرة لدى الفرد منا ، على أساس متين من الصداقة والإنسانية والمحبة الخالصة.
ما زلت أتذكر كلمات صديقنا الشاعر فؤاد نعمان الخوري عندما قال: "ان جائزة شربل بعيني هي مائة بالمائة محبة " وهذا يتضمن في الواقع كل الكلمات الغنية بمعاني "الشغف والمودة والإخلاص، واحترام الآخر، والفرح والسعادة في إعطاء ما نستطيع تقديمه للثقافة المهجرية دون مقابل .  
وكلنا نعرف أن جائزة شربل بعيني ما زال يتسلمها مستحقوها منذ عام 1992 حتى اليوم، باسم مؤسسها الغائب الحاضر الدكتورعصام حداد، وباسم معهد الأبجدية في مدينة جبيل اللبنانية ، وباسم مؤسسة الغربة الإعلامية في استراليا ، على أساس التقدير والصداقة والتعاون والمحبة دون أن يشوبها أي نوع من الأنانية أو الغرور. ولا بد من الاشارة هنا إلى مدى السعادة التي غمرتني عندما أعرب الصديق فؤاد نعمان الخوري عن مدى سروره عند استلام الجائزة فقال: "هناك جائزة مضافة على الجائزة لأن الانسانة التي قدمتها لي هي شاعرة وفنانة الضوء السيدة مارسيل منصور"، ولا أخفي هنا تبادل الشعور بالمثل إذ تذكرت على الفور الديوان الشعري الجميل لفؤاد بعنوان :" ندر اللهفة "عندما كتبت عنه سابقاً وأسميته: "ندر اللهفة ونبض الفؤاد الواحد". 
 إن ذلك كله ينبع من الإيمان الحقيقي عند المبدعين بأهمية الإبداع في توطيد العلاقات الإنسانية والصداقة والمحبة . وأعتقد أنه من نفس هذا المنطلق يقوم الصديق شربل بعيني بمزاولة تقديم هذه الجوائز القيمة في معناها- ذات التقدير الأخوي- من أجل الحفاظ على الإستمرارية في العطاء بين الأصدقاء المبدعين ، بكل مودة أخوية وطيبة واحترام ، وهكذا  كان تماماً شعوري الحقيقي عند استلامي لهذه الجائزة في عام 1997 وما زال حتى الأن .
ولا يسعني هنا إلا أن أن أقدم جزيل شكري لكل من الأصدقاء شربل وفؤاد وجميع الأفراد من نخبة الحضور الكريم ، وأن أسأل الرب بأن يبارك ما يبذله الصديق شربل بعيني من جهود وأن يبارك أعمالنا جميعاً ... لأننا كلنا نعمل سوياً في غربتنا من أجل الإنسانية والمحبة والتراث والثقافة والوطن.
 مارسيل منصور 